The Age of Movies

As an inevitable Netflix binger, I could never imagine having to go to a building and watch The Office through a peephole. In 1888, Thomas Edison conceived the video projector, but it was 13 years later when his assistant, William Dickson, invented the Kinetoscope and showed the first silent film to a NY audience. Sadly, this had to be watched 1 by 1 through a peephole. It wasn’t until one year later, in 1896, when Edison invented the Vitascope that actually projected films. According to class lecture, it was said that less people go every week, to the movies, than they did 70 years ago, yet box office sales rose historically because of the increased ticket prices and inflation. But despite this, video and movie quality keeps advancing. It is amazing to see how far we have come; from having no sound and projector, to having the first 4-D films being made.


  1. I think its interesting how fewer people go to the theater to watch movies nowadays. Movies were intended to be watched in a dark theater surrounded by people who were experiencing the same thing as you at the same time. Now with Netflix and other streaming sites there is no need to leave the privacy of your own home.

    Carli Capps

  2. Kassandra,

    It is crazy to actually step back and realize how far film production has come. From black and white silent films to soon to be now 4-D high definition productions, films are highly developing. Honestly, if I had to watch an entire movie through a peephole, I probably would just find something else to do. It is really sad that less and less people are actually heading out to the movie theaters to support new films. I AM A MOVIE JUNKIE! I love to watch movies and regularly I actually go to the theater. I agree with Carli's comment somewhat. It is definitely something about experiencing a movie for the first time, in a quiet dark setting, with other first timers. Depending on the film, some peoples' reactions while at the movies are priceless! However, just like you, sometimes I just want to lay in bed all day, with a face mask on, and binge watch a really good Netflix series in the privacy of my own home.

    Deon Wanza

  3. My boyfriend and I made it a 'thing' to go to the movies every week or every two weeks. In the month of March alone we've been to the movies three out the four weeks. In those three weeks we saw Get Out, Logan, and Kong: Skull Island. All three of these movies were extremely great! If the movies were still in the age to where only one person could see the movie through the peephole I would be extremely irritated. I agree with Deon! How is it that less and less people are going to the movies? It is a waste of time waiting for the movie to come out on dvd. Yes, it is beneficial because you will forever have the movie, but seeing it first hand. One bad movie experience I had about 3 years ago was when in the beginning of one movie, the sound completely went out. I tried waiting for the sound to come back on but it was not going to work. I got refunded but I can only imagine how people had to watch movies back then.

    -De'Stini Henderson

  4. Kassandra, I enjoyed your post. I agree that it seems unimaginable that people had to look through a peep hole in order to watch a film and now we have hdtvs and bluray in the comfort of our own homes. We have come a long way, and since we are so used the convenience of netflix and movies from home it is easier to skip over going to the movies today as we have so much convenience.

    -Zahra Hussain

  5. After learning about the topic, I don’t think I will ever take sound or video quality for granted again. I could not imagine going to a movie today and not hearing the roaring surround sound, or the beautiful picture. I am so excited to see how far movies will come in the future. I imagine soon we will all be wearing headsets for movie viewing. We will see.
    -Derrick Hernandez


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